Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Who I hang out with these days

I think I've finally found my crowd.

Graham, 8

Cole, 7

Ty, 5

Soon to be famous quotes from tonight's babysitting adventure:

While playing the game 500 (for those of you who have not yet had the privilege to play 500, someone throws a ball and shouts a number of points while the other players scramble to catch it, eventually one of them reaches 500 points and then becomes the thrower and the cycle continues...we play this every time I babysit on my request)

Graham: "This is more fun than killing a rattle snake!"

While me, Cole and Graham argue over who would win - the actual goblet of fire or the "big snake" in the other Harry Potter movie


While watching an educational television show (those are the only kinds of shows I let my babysitees watch)

Ty: "Are werewolves real?

Graham and Cole together: "No."

Ty: "Phew, I'm glad that."

I've babysat these boys since they were babies and there has yet to be a dull moment.

1 comment:

brooketolman said...

You always have such clever comments to leave on my blog posts, but this is the best i could come up with. I'm glad your not my friend for my cleverness