Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm still learning things I ought to know by now

I'm almost an official adult and I'm just now learning things I should have had down a long time ago. For example...

1. Faith and fear cannot coexist. If I'm trying to pray for all of this guidance in my life, I can't be afraid of where Heavenly Father's going to guide me. If it's a mission, great. If it's not, great? Faith makes things possible, not easy.

2. I get attached too easily and have major separation anxiety sometimes. I swear I'm like a puppy except not as cute. I need to grow and change, therefore I should let other people do the same, right? Ugh. As excited as I am for the future, sometimes I want things to stay exactly as they are.

3. My mom was right. No matter how many invitations I send out, no one will come to my pity party.

4. My dad was right. Every day is a good day, some are just better than others. Good things happen to positive people.

5. My first impression is never right. Never. Like when I met Brook Boyer in AP Euro my sophomore year of high school and thought she was way too cool for me. We're still best friends (but she is still way too cool for me, she's just really humble). Or when I came to BYU when I was 17 and thought I would transfer before I turned 18. I'm almost 21 and still here (and I love almost everything about it). Or when I thought Twilight was going to be a good book
(sorry Edward fans).

Learning is amazing, but too often I learn things I should have already learned. And can things you've learned in the past evaporate, meaning you have to soak them up all over again? Maybe my knowledge has an expiration date. That's not true, but sometimes that's what it feels like.

With all of these wise people around me you'd think I'd be a lot wiser. I don't know how I am so blessed to have such amazing family, leaders and friends. I just hope people judge me based on who I surround myself with and not on some of the things that come out of my mouth, my pen or my keyboard.

This kind of sounds like a depressing post, but really it's not. I'm contemplative, not plaintive.


tb montgomery said...

Oh Caity Dear! I'm 37 and still learning things I ought to know...like how to hard boil an egg for one. I know you were referring to more profound things, but seriously, I have to look it up on the internet every time I need a hard boiled egg. And you know what? There are tons of different ways to do it, and they all turn out a really great egg. So you are probably thinking I have a really great 'moral to this story', but I don't...it's really just about boiling eggs. Just kidding! My point is that if I had learned the first time around how to do it, then I never would have known there are so many other ways. Life is like that too. If you learn everything the first time around (or I should say the first time you hear it...I'm not talking about reincarnation here!), then you miss out on so much. We are always so afraid to lose knowledge or memories or whatever, but don't be because there is always so much more to learn and so many more memories to make. And not to be the totally Patronizing and Annoying Aunt (as if I could ever hold that title, all things considered...he, he) trust me when I say some of the things that seem like they could be the end of the world today, won't even be on your radar before long...which is something that I am still learning, but should already know. See how I brought it all back around! Okay this probably should just be a 'conversation with myself' so I will end it now! :)

Jenny said...

I love you and miss you. You are wise beyond your years and you humble me!

cait. said...

I have the most wonderful aunts ever!!!!!!!

The McCain's said...
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The McCain's said...

Only the wisest people realizr they still have a lot to learn!
Love, Mom

The McCain's said...

Wise people use spellcheck!

Jenny said...

Lisa you're funny.