Friday, December 17, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Q: What was Jesus' mom's name?
A: Uhh... Mrs. Jesus?
Q: Who came to visit baby Jesus?
A: The three amigos.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
So true.
Carlie showed me this at work today. I wish I had this in high school. Or even eight grade. Mrs. Albertson would have loved me even more ;)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Mommy bloggers gone too far
I'm not sure how I feel about this article. Wait. Yes I am.
A little bit disgusted. And disappointed.
A little bit disgusted. And disappointed.
- 19% of Gen Y moms said they spend an average of 2+ hours a day on Facebook. Whhhhhat?
- Gen Y moms said they conduct an average of 48% of communication with their immediate family in person. Huh?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Yesterday was the first day of fall, and it was welcomed with a rainstorm.
Thunder and everything. You know what they say, September showers bring...Wait. What?
Thunder and everything. You know what they say, September showers bring...Wait. What?
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Since we couldn't get a puppy...
We got a fish instead! Introducing Desmond "Fishie" Moss. We named him Desmond, but all we ever seem to call him is fishie. He hasn't quite warmed up to us yet, but I think he's a pretty good addition to our little fam-damily.
Friday, September 3, 2010
First day of grad school!
Monday was Devin's very first day as a graduate student! He'll do great; BYU's MISM program is lucky to have him. And I'm still envious of his full-time student status. Ah, the good life.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
My favorite things: friends, burgers, thunderstorms,
Yesterday was "Lynton Burger Day" at work. We got hats, cotton candy, and burgers (almost) as big as our face! What a day. Plus, we got to wear Friday clothes on a Thursday! It's the little things. The event was topped off with a wild-n-crazy thunderstorm. The only way it could have been better is if they announced Lynton Burger Day was now every Thursday. I could definitely live with that.
PS: Please take note that I have blogged TWICE in one month now. Pat on the back for Caitlin, please.
PPS: More to come involving wedding, honeymoon, and new apartment adventures. Patience, please.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Big Days
I realize I haven't done very well at updating my blog (surprise surprise). This may very well be the reason I only have four followers - two of which are my dad (love you, Dad.)
Devin took me to a restaurant in Park City called "Fireside." After a delicious dinner and lots of awkward waitresses, Devin proposed! I said yes, but he doesn't remember that part. Afterward, all of the waitresses were my long lost best friends. And the owner, Brett, was Devin's new best friend. It was the best. night. ever.
April 22: Graduated!
I'm an official BYU graduate. Sometimes I still can't believe I'm not going back to school in the fall. It's cool, but I was never one of those people counting down the days until graduation. If I could get paid, I'd be an eternal student. But oh well. The working world is cool, too.
May 3: First day at CTMH
Speaking of the working world, I started my job as a Marketing Communication Specialist at the beginning of May. I like it a lot so far - it's a challenge, but a good one. The people are all great; I have a lot of fun everyday. I mainly work on their online scrapbooking product, It's everything I love - writing, organizing, managing something, and working with awesome people who teach me new things everyday. I have a lot to learn and improve on, but I think I can do it.
Memorial Day Weekend: Camping in Escalante
This trip made me wonder why I don't live my life. We camped on Nicole's family's property on Friday night and then spent all day Saturday hiking Slot Canyon. I loved it and so did my body. Outdoors, friends, exercise, and a road trip - what could be better?
As you can see, I'm living the good life. I've had a lot of other good days, too, but I'm sick of blogging. This thing takes a lot of time.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
You guys. Wednesday was my last day of college. Ever.
We presented our capstone project to our client and some of our professors. It went well, and the whole semester was such a great experience. Below is a photo of my group, our project and our professor, Dr. Wakefield.
BYU was good to me, but now I think I'm ready for the next chapter.
We presented our capstone project to our client and some of our professors. It went well, and the whole semester was such a great experience. Below is a photo of my group, our project and our professor, Dr. Wakefield.
BYU was good to me, but now I think I'm ready for the next chapter.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Happy Easter!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Student Charity Ball!

I've been working on this all semester, and it's finally here! I think everyone should go (if they can). It's so amazing how a group of less than 10 students can come together to create change. All proceeds go to education in Utah County, and our goal this year is $30,000!
Here's what you need to know:
When? TONIGHT! Friday, March 26, from 7-11 p.m.
Where? The Provo City Library Ballroom
Why? Silent and live auction, opportunities to network with big names and amazing people in Utah County, fabulous catered desserts, music, dancing and fun, of course.
So, COME! It will be cool.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Thought of the day
"Sometimes when we plan to take care of the worst, we make the best less likely."
- Henry B. Eyring
- Henry B. Eyring
Thursday, March 11, 2010
What now, Harvard??
Brigham Young University Is Nation's Most Popular National University
Ladies and gentlemen, readers of my blog all across the world, I just want to take this moment to say that yes, I do attend the most popular national university.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Effective advertising?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Dear Motivation, please be my friend
Overall procrastination
Sleeping past seven on weekdays
Sleeping past nine on weekends
Studying while watching movies (ineffective)
Job hunting in the library (the place of study)
Forgetting appointments (I'm still mad about that)
Constant day dreaming
Gladly accepting A minuses (or even B minuses)
Night snowboarding
Building forts in your apartment living room
Etc etc etc
Senioritis: A contagious disease that affects all aspects of college seniors (or juniors) lives. Detrimental to grades, work-life and all responsibility-related activities. Advantageous for social life.
Overall procrastination
Sleeping past seven on weekdays
Sleeping past nine on weekends
Studying while watching movies (ineffective)
Job hunting in the library (the place of study)
Forgetting appointments (I'm still mad about that)
Constant day dreaming
Gladly accepting A minuses (or even B minuses)
Night snowboarding
Building forts in your apartment living room
Etc etc etc
Senioritis: A contagious disease that affects all aspects of college seniors (or juniors) lives. Detrimental to grades, work-life and all responsibility-related activities. Advantageous for social life.
Monday, February 22, 2010
"An Anchor to the Souls of Men"
"We must continue to exercise confidence in God, inasmuch as that is the first principle in our code of belief. We must believe that God has all power, that he loves us, and that his work will not be stopped or frustrated in our individual lives or in the world generally. He will bless us as a people because he always has blessed us as a people. He will bless us as individuals because he always has blessed us as individuals."
- Howard W. Hunter

Read more here.
- Howard W. Hunter

Read more here.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Immaturity is allowed sometimes

My awesome roommate, Nicole, has this thing for fashion magazines. One day we found a Gap ad with several good-looking men that folded out to reveal even more good-looking men. They were each labeled by their style of jeans, so Nicole and I picked our favorite. She picked easy, I picked loose. Classy.
This past weekend we stopped by the mall, and what do you think we found? Our men, Loose and Easy. So above are our love-sick photos taken on my Blackberry of us being Mrs. Easy and Mrs. Loose. And then we lived happily ever after.
Friday, January 29, 2010
"The faces are different, but the love is the same."
Disclaimer: This post appears misleading. I swear I'm not a lesbian. Read on.

My co-worker, Ashley Jones, and I had the opportunity to interview Mrs. JoAnn Losee. JoAnn and her husband, Richard, are both legends here in Utah County. They owned and operated Losee Jewelers from 1956 to 2009, and oh my gosh do they have stories to tell. Ash and I soaked up those two hours and fell in love with JoAnn and her words. For example:
"You just can't take romance out of it, and you need to keep romance in it forever."
My favorite part was all of the passion JoAnn emanated. Her expressions and words shined much brighter than her jewel-covered fingers. Sometimes it baffles me how you can spend 1/1,000 of your life with a person and genuinely feel loved and appreciated by them. Sincerity is rare, kind of like all of the diamonds JoAnn showed us.

My co-worker, Ashley Jones, and I had the opportunity to interview Mrs. JoAnn Losee. JoAnn and her husband, Richard, are both legends here in Utah County. They owned and operated Losee Jewelers from 1956 to 2009, and oh my gosh do they have stories to tell. Ash and I soaked up those two hours and fell in love with JoAnn and her words. For example:
"You just can't take romance out of it, and you need to keep romance in it forever."
My favorite part was all of the passion JoAnn emanated. Her expressions and words shined much brighter than her jewel-covered fingers. Sometimes it baffles me how you can spend 1/1,000 of your life with a person and genuinely feel loved and appreciated by them. Sincerity is rare, kind of like all of the diamonds JoAnn showed us.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I'm a proud big sister

My mom e-mailed me Mitch's talk he gave in church last Sunday about setting goals, and I was so impressed with the little man that I want to show it off. Plus, he has some inspiring words for a new year. I love you, Mitch!
Good Morning. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Mitchell McCain. I was asked to give a talk today on setting goals and how they can help us in life. This was a very good topic for me to talk on because I am very in to sports and in sports you frequently set goals, whether they are for a single game or for an entire season. I also set goals in church, like remembering to read my scriptures and fulfilling my duty to god. President Gordon B. Hinckley once stated, “Begin now to establish those goals which will bring you happiness…whatever it may be; a mission in which to surrender yourself entirely to the Lord to do His work or future marriage in the house of the Lord to a wonderful and delightful companion of whom you will be worthy because of the way you have lived.”
When setting your goals you first have to think of what you want to accomplish. Then once you know what your goals are, you need to figure out how long it may take to accomplish them, whether it be a day or a lifetime. Then you need to make your goals happen. Once you are working at your goals, you need to manage your time wisely, as the hymn number 226 “Improve the Shining Moments” states,
Time flies on wings of lightning
We cannot call it back.
It comes, then passes forward
Along its onward track.
And if we are not mindful
The chance will fade away,
For life is quick in passing.
‘Tis as a single day.
Elder M. Russell Ballard once gave a talk to the young adults of Salt Lake City on setting worthy goals. In his talk he stated that to be able to reach your full potential in life, you must have mastered the ability to set goals and fulfill them. You will then be able to make a great difference in the results you attain in this life. To help you be able to fulfill your goals, you can record them and then keep them in a place you will frequently see them like the mirror or refrigerator. Elder Ballard then went on to say “…bring forward to the front of your mind the worthy goals that you want to obtain. Then practice self-discipline.” Self-discipline is a very important trait to have when setting goals. Benjamin N. Woodson gave a few good words on discipline when stating, “For my part, I have concluded that the quality which sets one man apart from another – the factor which lifts one man to every achievement to which he reasonably aspires while the other is caught in the slough of mediocrity for all the years of his life – is not talent, nor formal education, nor luck, nor intellectual brilliance, but is rather the successful man’s greater capacity for self-discipline.” I need to have self-discipline to be able to complete my goals in sports. If I want to have a better football season, I have to commit myself and have the self-discipline to work hard at practices, keep myself in shape, listen to the coaches, and work at home to improve myself instead of just working during practice. Once you have the self discipline, you then need to make your goals happen. If you ever need help completing your goals, you can get it from your family, friends, and of course, you can pray.
If you accomplish your goals, and those goals are meaningful ones, then you are fulfilling the Savior’s teaching when He asked us, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). Elder Ballard commented on this saying that, “Perfection is a process and not an event, and you will come to appreciate that perfection is an internal matter, not external. It is a process by which you and I learn to eliminate the things in life that are not good, replace them with the things in life that are eternal in nature, with the objective and thought that perfection is obtainable, but it must be earned.” When you spend your time fulfilling your goals in life, you are putting yourself on the path to perfection and making your life easier. The Lord will then bless us and magnify us to better serve in His kingdom.
Now I'm going to go set some goals.
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