We decided to go to Chicago the day after Christmas for a nice little weekend away since we weren't going to Copper Mountain, CO this year to ski and board. I always assumed spontaneity was rare in my family, but my parents proved me wrong. For my mom, Abs and me, this weekend was delightful. For my dad and brother, not so much.

A museum the next day. Our smiles are slightly misleading. We discovered we aren't really into science or industries.

The Evergreen Restaurant in Chinatown makes you feel like you are actually in China; however, I'm still not convinced the Chinese eat Crab Rangoon.

Goodbye Chicago. See you soon.

A museum the next day. Our smiles are slightly misleading. We discovered we aren't really into science or industries.
Shopping was good to Miss Abby....
Most of the time.

This picture cracks me up. It's such an excellent portrayal of her mood right then. And mine.

The Evergreen Restaurant in Chinatown makes you feel like you are actually in China; however, I'm still not convinced the Chinese eat Crab Rangoon.
Hey look! My parents finally came together to take a decent picture. Thanks for the group effort, guys.
The final verdict:
Abby: Enjoyed Chicago, but "you should see New York City."
Mitch: After standing next to the man who cursed every other word and getting his jacket stolen in the ESPN zone, he was happy to be leaving.
Me: Loved it as usual. Chicago's at the top of my list of cities to live in once I graduate.
Abs attempted her reporter skills in the second city.

Goodbye Chicago. See you soon.